Our Story

When two like-minded innovative women met each other while working together at a trade show they discovered similar ideologies and were fascinated about how the scarf market was saturated with accessories having same fabric, shape and sizes they wanted to create a line which would fill that gap. They had encountered women who were looking for a scarf with more essence, appeal, character and comfort but there weren't many options. They were Nubia Ryan a well-known Fashion designer from Seattle owner of " Nubia's Collection " and Megha Malhotra a inspiring entrepreneur. They went on a Journey to find quality fabrics that they could mold into something unique and fashionable, they finally found a natural fabric -boiled wool.

Meeting at local cafe's in Seattle they curated this fabric, they worked on giving it interesting shapes and colours, it was a lot of work since this fabric was new and had to be further processed to get the right balance in color, body and sheen.

After making trips to India and finding the right resources , Finally they created a line of scarves and shawls, putting together some of the best colors and shapes. The next step was to find the right market for this luxurious one of a kind fabric which is exquisite, Classic and at the same time very comfortable. From these early beginnings the company continued to grow and expand.

We believe in making sure our customers get the best quality product and are happy with the scarf they have buy, we want to re-define luxury, which is stylish at the same time comfortable. Unlike synthetic fibers that are man-made from petroleum-based products, the natural fibers used in Instyle are renewable and sustainable and have one of the smallest environmental footprints. Instyle scarves use naturally made fibers derived from nature. At the same time we feel a social responsibility towards our dedicated team of sales reps, employees as well as everyone who is connected to our company to grow and flourish together.

Megha Malhotra
CEO InStyle Accessories Inc